Events 2025Events 2024Events: Fall 2023
Native American Heritage Month—November 4-part film-speaker series, Mondays in November at Vogue Theatre Tentative Schedule: Monday, Nov. 6: LaDonna Harris: Indian 101 (activist history) https://www.wmm.com/catalog/film/ladonna-harris-indian-101/ Filmmaker Julianna Brannum will be speaking at LACA on Nov. 2 in event open to the public. Monday, Nov. 13: Gather: a film about indigenizing food and working to protect native food sources and rights https://gather.film/ (available on Netflix) Monday, Nov. 20: Home From School: The Children of Carlisle https://visionmakermedia.org/product/home-from-school-the-children-of-carlisle/ Monday, Nov. 27: Bring Her Home (MMIW) https://visionmakermedia.org/filmtype/bring-her-home/
Billboards Installed May 2023Welcome Billboards have been installed on US-31 North at the airport, M-55 East approaching Manistee and on US-31 just South of Hoague Road. The Poster has been redesigned to match the Billboards. The current sponsors are also listed at the bottom of the Billboards and the Posters.
MARJDI installs Billboard sign at Senior CenterThe Manistee County Senior Center joins a number of businesses and municipalities in welcoming “ALL PEOPLE” to Manistee. The pictured sign below was installed at the wishes of the Wagoner Community Center and was constructed and installed with the help of Manistee Racial Justice and Diversity Initiative (MARJDI). Dick Albee and Chuck Dumanois from MARJDI stated that they have received many positive comments from citizens and visitors , stating that displaying this sign makes them feel safe and proud to live and/or visit Manistee County. It is the hope of MARJDI to have all Manistee County merchants display the welcome sign.
“If you want to go fast, go alone, If you want to go far, go together” stated by Sarah Howard |
Calendar of Events |
Please join MARJDI’s Facebook Group page to keep in touch with our programs. You can also find us at MARJDI.org and reach us at [email protected].
MARJDI is a fiscally-sponsored project of the Manistee County Community Foundation (MISC 10699). Donations in support of MARJDI’s work are gratefully accepted at www.manisteefoundation.org at the MARJDI Fund link.